
"Measure for measure"

April 2013

With the reforms to the way costs in civil litigation are managed having been introduced on 1 April 2013, everyone is looking for pointers as to how the courts will interpret the new rules. In this article, published in The Commercial Litigation Journal, Jeremy Glover uses the Henry v Mirror Group Newspapers case to look for hints as to how the courts may approach the new costs regime.

"Finding the true experts"

March 2013

In a paper first published by Solicitors Journal on 19 February 2013 (reproduced by kind permission – www.solicitorsjournal.com), Peter Collie offers his opinion on how to make the most of expert evidence, identifying a few points which are critical to success.

"Cost Management Orders (Solicitors’ perspective)"

December 2012

In this paper, Nicholas Gould considers how the Costs Management Pilot is being received, the role of the judge, Form HB and the client’s view of the process.

Most feedback received indicates that costs management is a new discipline that requires skill and practice, but which can be learnt.

"Expert determination: an update"

December 2012

In this paper, Nicholas Gould considers the use of expert determination in resolving construction disputes.

Expert determination has been used for many years as a means of independent valuation, but it lends itself particularly well to the economic and definitive resolution of valuation based disputes in the construction industry. Nicholas discusses why he thinks it could be used more frequently and even included within the contracts at the outset.

"Giving evidence as a witness of fact in the civil courts: the perils and pitfalls"

November 2012

In this paper, given at Fenwick Elliott’s recent Construction Law Update Seminar, Ted Lowery discusses some of the challenges facing ordinary members of the public who are called to give evidence in the Civil Courts. Ted outlines the key requirements for the client, the solicitor and the witness in order to prepare for cross-examination.

"Legal issues surrounding Building Information Modelling (BIM)"

November 2012

In an article written for Autumn’s edition of International Quarterly, Jeremy Glover discusses what legal and contractual implications BIM may have on construction projects.

Could BIM alter the traditional allocation of responsibilities between the client, contractor, designers and suppliers? Should the contract be altered to account for the use of BIM? Jeremy addresses these questions and gives advice on how you can ensure you are legally prepared for BIM Level 2 on your projects.